The Bossy Bar-Wife


Location: United States

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Two Thumbs Up

This afternoon, as I was enjoying my Sunday afternoon nap, the phone rang and it was my husband, calling from the bar. I was pretty sleepy when I answered the phone, but soon I was wide awake.

Apparently, he was chopping lettuce this morning and managed to cut his thumb. Now, I never saw the wound, but according to him it was an extremely bloody mess, but I will spare you the excruciating detail that he shared with me.

As luck would have it, there was a nurse in the bar, who happened to have a first aid kit in her car. I know nothing about this stuff, but as best I understood it, she had some sort of adhesive liquid that would stop the bleeding and close the wound. So, she put that on him as held his thumb.

He was very happy because this seemed to work, until he realized that he had glued two fingers from his right hand to his thumb on his left hand. That's right. He glued his hands together.

They finally managed to dissolve the adhesive, which sounded like an unbearably painful process, and he started bleeding again. During this time, a party of forty came in the restaurant, while another party of 15 was enjoying their brunch, so there was NO WAY he was going to leave.

(Sidenote: If I had been the one who was injured, I damn sure would have left that restaurant, probably would have closed it while shrieking that my hands had been compromised. But that's just me. Sometimes I over-react.)

Anyway, eventually he went to the hospital where they wrapped it and told him what to get from the drugstore to take care of it. After all this, he got around to letting me know what happened.

After I stopped laughing about his gluing his hands together, I became a little concerned (I am a very caring wife, after all) and kept asking questions. I was soon interrupted by the beep of call waiting, where I found his mother on the other line. She never calls us, so I was a little surprised to hear from her.

Apparently my father-in-law had gone to the restaurant for brunch and couldn't get a table. He did, however, see his only son walking around with a washcloth over his hand.

He instructed my husband to take his ass to the hospital, and then came home and told his wife all about it. She called me, because she didn't believe that her son had actually taken himself to the hospital. She said, "He won't listen to me, so I'm calling in the big guns".

I called back to confirm that he was telling the truth, and questioned/threatened him within an inch of his life. He convinced me that he really had gone to the hospital, so I instructed him to call his mother, and hung up.

All this to say, he's fine and watching tv right now. I expect that he will make a full recovery, although he has warned me about 12 times already to be careful of the thumb. I'll do my best.


Blogger Snake Nation said...

This is awful! The risks one takes in the kitchen....

10:35 AM  
Blogger jillskict said...

Why are men the biggest babies though? When they are sick too! I am glad that he is okay though, cuts to the fingers can be painful and luckily he didn't lose a digit. Are you calling him thumbs now?

11:56 AM  
Blogger smarti said...

I love that you are "the big guns" and I love love that he glued his hands together (though that's probably the port-a-nurse's fault).

1:32 PM  
Blogger Bossy Bar-Wife said...

He is really just sitting around giving a constant "thumbs up" and telling me to keep my distance. Done. :)

4:32 PM  

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